Create a powerful momentum for your soul business.
"What is currently your biggest challenge?"
Are you...?
based on your
Gene Keys
• under constant stress due to unstable income
• only short term uncommitted clients
• unable to stand out from others
• Potential Clients are interested but don't buy
• hustling & investing a lot without getting results
• you have difficulties communicating what makes your offering stand out
• you can't find the right team or connections to grow your impact
Bring your biggest challenge to our session and I guide you on your path of breakthrough.
We take a fresh perspective on your business and identify bringing clarity through your Gene Keys, take a fresh perspective on your biography, your business and your current situation and identify the deeper patterns that actually cause the struggle. Afterwards we find your imprinted natural gifts & roles that you can use as equipment to master this situation and then lay out what tools will help you to make aligned decisions & actions with a clear compass.
After the session you'll know what is your uniquely aligned path to mastering your biggest challenge.
1:1 | 75 Min.
The 4 Steps to Breakthrough
Step 1: Identifying the Roots of Your Struggle
In your session we uncover the core blockages behind your challenge through understanding the root of your current situation, the hidden patterns, your Gene Keys and your biography. It's a 360° inquiry of all that matters in your situation.
Step 3: Laying Out the Practical Path from Blockage to Gift
At this stage we clarify what roles, environment, workflow or resources are supporting your natural gifts and learned-skills in the best way.
All of these factors are also encoded in your Gene Keys and we apply their wisdom here.
Step 2: Finding Your Imprinted Natural Gifts & Resources
And as we've found the deeper behavioral & subconscious reality causing your challenge I help you access the unique gifts that are hidden behind these negative patterns. These gifts are built deeply into your being - waiting to be unlocked. Here we get the first glance on what your personal solution to your current challenge will look like.
Step 4: Aligned Tools & Action Steps
In the final step we bring in the tools that can be enormously helpful to your embodiment of these gifts.
It's about making aligned decisions and actions with a clear compass.
This session is setting you up for success. So you can (re-)focus on creating astonishing value for your clients and community from the place of your natural gifts.
This is key to leading your business with clear direction & confidence instead of continuous struggling.
How does this look like?
You find your truly unique & ideal offering
You find your ideal client
You switch from hustle to a natural & seamless workflow
You get to know your aligned marketing voice
You unlock the blueprint of your vitality and health
You know the roles and fields you're truly made for in business & relations
When activated these very specific natural gifts are unique to you and allow you to do what you truly love in a way that feels natural because it is aligned with your original higher purpose in this life.